Sustainable Swap: Personal Care & Accessories
For 2024, we’re trying something new here at the Hub. Every couple months we’re hosting a different Sustainable Swap. We hosted a books, games, and puzzles swap in January and in March we’re hosting a Personal Care & Accessories swap.
Because of the personal nature of these items, this will be more of a controlled swap and will operate a little differently.
Here’s how things will operate:
Check In: as soon as you exit the elevator to the 2nd floor there will be a volunteer table for checking in and evaluating your items for the swap. Please only bring items on the accepted list.
Swap: browse the swap tables where volunteers have sorted materials and take anything you could use!
Check Out: before getting back on the elevator stop at the check out table to have your items weighed/counted so we can see how much is getting diverted from the landfill!
A few REALLY important things to note about this swap:
Since this is being held during our normal Saturday hours when we experience higher foot traffic, we are asking that if you are coming for the swap and not bringing any recycling to drop off at the Hub– please park across the street in the Nehemiah lot. We do not want to disrupt the recycling drop off operations by having all the close spots taken up with cars that aren’t full of recycling drop off materials. Our recycling customers and other tenants in the building (who we share the parking lot with) will appreciate this!
This is our first rodeo– we’ve not hosted a personal care swap before and we anticipate it will be a popular and potentially busy event. Please be patient and follow the set up as outlined to help us keep things running smoothly!
We are looking forward to seeing you on the 16th, if you have any questions drop us a line through Facebook messenger, Instagram messenger, or email